Assessing damages from expropriation


Assessments for damages are conducted according to ANEVAR methodology , based on international standards of valuation.
Independent assessors are ANEVAR members, as individuals or firms for evaluation.
Today the situation for those damages from expropriated properties during the communist period is, according to the site WWW.ANRP.GOV.RO (National Authority for Property Restitution) the following:
2942 payments from a total set of options 9436.

Don't shoot the appraiser


The evaluators are requested to produce well based documents, about values. The values of business, machinery and equipment, real estate.
Their customers need such documents in order to solve various problems.Customers try to convince the evaluators to produce the desired results (big values when they want to sell, low when they have to pay taxes).
People think that the evaluator can write anything.
Not so. The evaluators have adopted and conduct themselves by a code of ethics of the Romanian association ANEVAR.
Based on the experience and knowledge the appraiser generates an impression about the value and he sustains it according to an international standard.
There are some who have identified the evaluators responsible for the current crisis by overvaluating guarantees of mortgages.
Others believe that evaluators help the state pay less compensation to those who were stripped of goods and property in the communist period or at the public utility expropriation. Nothing more false!
The evaluators are only specialists and people, like notaries, lawyers, doctors, judicial experts, engineers, agronomists or landscape architects. They are performing with a desire to make the customer happy, while being respectful to the legislation in the field.
There are people among us that have shortages in morality or even common sense, but you can not blame the entire professional body for such failures.

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